
Parc de Montjuic

There is steep slope. and I saw different paving. There are fretted lines on concrete paving. it seems like to prevent slip on the way.

The rubbish bin, handrail and Lamp made of steel. It made full unity by material.

The slope in the playground using lever gap.

Different material in Parc de Montjuic


When I when to Barcelona, I can see the red sign of bicing sign.
I asked them, how can I use the bicycle.
One of the person told me, They register the card in every month. So they can use the bicycle in Barcelona.

market, La Rambla

Entrance of the market

Lots of herbs and spices

an abundance of sea food

Many size of egg

Hamon ans salami


Remarkable Landscape Architects

Ken Smith

Ken Smith is a landscape architect who has worked on a wide variety ofnational and international projects, in both private and public practice.His background and training is in landscape architecture and the fine arts.In twenty years of practice he has participated in many team endeavorsand worked with a wide range of consultants and groups. His interestsinclude landscape design of varying scale with a particular emphasis onprojects, which explore the symbolic content and expressive power oflandscape as an art form. He is committed to creating landscapes,especially parks and other public spaces, with vision and meaning as away of improving the quality of urban life.Ken Smith is licensed to practice in New York, California and other states,and has lectured and been published widely. Educated at Iowa StateUniversity and Harvard University Graduate School of Design, his practiceis based in New York City. He is active as an educator and serves as aVisiting Lecturer at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Hisbreadth of experience, understanding of landscape issues and capacityto undertake complex problems and difficult sites qualify him for a widevariety and scale of projects.

Santa Fe Railyard Park

Moma Roof Garden


Permaculture in Tolworth

Entrance of the farm

They didn't turn soil over. Becuase. they are just using different rotten fruit layers and soil .

It was quite impressive outdoor toilet which made by old tire.


Shops in Camden Town

When I visited Camden Town, there are many shops under the arches. I think it is good idear to use hidden place in other site in london.

get this idea

canal in Camden town

There is tow path next to canal and Camden market


Camden Town

Under construction a paving in Camden street.


Spain_Madrid_Parque Juan Calros l

Photographs by minju in 2009

This park, which covers an area of over 4000m2, has been one of the most far-reaching urban projects undertaken by Madrid.

According to ,the park is structured sound basic concept of the circle as a geometric figure. Its layout consists of a distributice ring which corresponds to the three kilometres of paths which run through the park. This circulation ring is not dealt with in a uniform way as its plants and the colour of its surfacing changes, symbolising the four seasons of the year.

It was one of the most dilapidated and disfigured city limits for Madrid. But when i visited the park, it was fabulous with great weather.

If there were no large-scale sculptures, it was so boring. Sixteen artists have placed their works in different zones of the park. The landmarks make park attractive.


Making an etching

it was first time to make etching. One of my friends told me, students can learn printing without tuition. A woman who is on of in charge was so kind.

there are so many material and stuffs to make one etching. when i finished my work, l almost forgot several stuffs.

so I found a video to recur on the memory.

It was good opportunity to think about other works apart from landscape.

maybe nextime, I can use etching in my work.


I'm interested in pop-up books. It is so clever!!!


Spain_Madrid_Plaza de Santo Domingo

End of the Calle Cuesta de santo domingo, which is quite steep slope, there is Plaza de Santo Domingo. The plaze is middle of Sol and Opera, which is centre of centre in madrid.

The plaza is tiered into two large horizontal terraces. It means separation from the building that follow the topographical slope around its perimeter.

Soutern side, there is a ramp that sinds between the square and the buidings, giving access to the doorways. Some steps and a long ramp lead to plaza.

it is playground for children.

The second tier is at the same level as the halfway point of the ramp which start the southern end of the square. it shows both terraces are in contact.

On the northern side, the separation is made by the cuesta de santo Domingo. It has eight parallel rectangular parterres amongst which trees and shrubs. As main material is stone and wood, it make me feeling united.

The eastern side at the level, the other three sides are held up by retaining walls with ramps and stairs to negotiate the different levels.

One of the big different between london and Madrid, that is hill.
the topographical slope was quite interested. but the irregular topography of involve, which complicated to the disable and the old.
Photographs by minju in 2009